
作者: peterliu

英國(guó)投資移民政策大規(guī)模調(diào)整 企業(yè)家移民門(mén)檻提高


主要的原因有幾個(gè), 政府最依賴(lài)的調(diào)查部門(mén):MAC 英國(guó)移民委員會(huì)的調(diào)查結(jié)果顯示:

英國(guó)投資移民政策大規(guī)模調(diào)整 企業(yè)家移民門(mén)檻提高






英國(guó)投資移民政策大規(guī)模調(diào)整 企業(yè)家移民門(mén)檻提高



2.1 The main changes are to:

Introduce new Start-up and Innovator categories for those coming to the UK to set up a business, replacing the Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur) and Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) categories;

Make reforms to the Tier 1 (Investor) category to protect better against financial crime and ensure investments are of greater benefit to the UK economy;

Increase the initial period of leave for those who qualify for Stateless leave, and make clear that to qualify for stateless leave someone must show that they cannot acquire a nationality or a right to permanent residence in another country to which they may be entitled; and

Provide for the full opening of the EU Settlement Scheme for resident EU citizens and their family members to obtain UK immigration status, alongside two negative procedure Statutory Instruments being laid before Parliament on 7 March 2019: the Immigration and Nationality (Fees) (Refund, Waiver and Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019, which provide for no application fee for the scheme, and the Immigration (European Economic Area Nationals) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019, which, in part, make changes associated with the scheme to other secondary legislation。




為居住的歐盟公民及其家庭成員提供歐盟解決方案的全面開(kāi)放,以獲得英國(guó)移民身份,以及2019年3月7日向議會(huì)提交的兩項(xiàng)否定程序法定文書(shū):移民和國(guó)籍(費(fèi)用)(退款,豁免) 2019年(歐盟退出)條例,規(guī)定該計(jì)劃不收取申請(qǐng)費(fèi),以及2019年移民(歐洲經(jīng)濟(jì)區(qū)國(guó)民)(歐盟退出)條例,該條例部分地將該計(jì)劃的變更改為其他二級(jí)立法。

Introduction of new Start-up and Innovator categories

7.1 These changes introduce two new categories, Start-up and Innovator, for people seeking to establish a business in the UK。

7.2 These new categories replace the existing Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur) and Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) categories, which were the subject of a review by the independent Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) in 2015。 The MAC recommended that:

the Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur) category, with its endorsement approach, was working well and should be expanded into a broader Start-up category;

the Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) category was in need of substantial reform, as it had a long tail of low-quality projects which contributed little or nothing to the UK economy。

7.3 Central to both of the new categories will be endorsement of applicants by UK trusted bodies – such as business accelerators, seed competitions and government agencies, as well as higher education providers。 These bodies will assess applicants’ business ideas for their innovation, viability and scalability。

7.4 The main features of the new categories are as follows:

The Start-up category is an expanded version of the Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur) category。 It is for those starting a new business for the first time in the UK。 Applicants will not need to be graduates and will not need to have secured any initial funding。 Successful applicants will be granted 2 years’ leave (doubled from 1 year) and will be able to progress into the Innovator category to continue developing their businesses in the UK after that time。

The Innovator category is intended for more experienced businesspeople。 As well as an endorsement, applicants will need £50,000 to invest in their business from any legitimate source (reduced from £200,000 for most applicants in the current Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) category)。 The funding requirement will be waived for those switching from the Start-up category who have made significant achievements against their business plans。 The category may lead to settlement in the UK。

7.5 In both categories, endorsement for initial applications will be based on assessment whether applicants’ business ideas are innovative, viable and scalable。

7.1這此的變化主要目的是為了在英國(guó)開(kāi)展商業(yè)業(yè)務(wù)的人士引入了兩個(gè)新的簽證類(lèi)別,即創(chuàng)業(yè)簽證 和 創(chuàng)新簽證。






創(chuàng)業(yè)簽證 STAR UP類(lèi)別是Tier 1(畢業(yè)生企業(yè)家)類(lèi)別的擴(kuò)展版本。它適用于那些在英國(guó)首次開(kāi)展新業(yè)務(wù)的人。申請(qǐng)人不需要是畢業(yè)生,也不需要獲得任何初始資金。成功的申請(qǐng)人將獲得2年的簽證(老政策是1年)并且能夠進(jìn)入創(chuàng)新者類(lèi)別,以便在此之后繼續(xù)在英國(guó)開(kāi)展業(yè)務(wù)。

創(chuàng)新者簽證 Innovator類(lèi)別適用于更有經(jīng)驗(yàn)的商人。除了認(rèn)可之外,申請(qǐng)人還需要50,000英鎊來(lái)投資他們的業(yè)務(wù)。


7.6 Endorsement for extension applications in the Innovator category will be based on assessment of whether applicants have made significant achievements against their business plans, and whether their businesses are trading。 Applicants whose original business ideas did not succeed may re-apply, with a new business idea, for endorsement under the criteria for initial applications。

7.7 Endorsements for settlement applications will be made against a range of criteria – covering investment, innovation, business growth and job creation – which applicants may choose from in order to qualify for settlement。 Applicants may apply for settlement as soon as their businesses satisfy at least two of these criteria, providing they have spent at least three years in the category。

7.8 An English language requirement is being set at upper intermediate (B2) level (up from intermediate (B1) under the previous categories) for both categories, to ensure that successful applicants have the good command of English they will need to interact with a variety of business organisations and potential customers。

7.9 Applicants will be asked to stay in contact with their endorsing body with checkpoints after 6, 12 and (for the Innovator category) 24 months。 The endorsing bodies must be satisfied that applicants are continuing to work on their business ventures and have either demonstrated reasonable progress with their original ideas or are pursuing new business ideas that are also innovative, viable and scalable。

7.10 The new categories are set out in a new Appendix W to the Immigration Rules。 They do not form part of the Points-Based System and do not include points-scoring tables。 Appendix W is designed to be clearer and easier to read than existing rules for the Points-Based System。 It is anticipated that other categories for workers will be added to this Appendix as the immigration system is reformed over time。

7.11 The new categories nevertheless include similar provisions to the Points-Based System regarding evidential flexibility, switching categories, English language and maintenance funds requirements, qualifying for settlement and the ability for dependants (partners and children under age 18) to apply。

Changes relating to the Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur) and Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) categories of the Points-Based System

7.12 As stated above, the Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur) and Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) categories are being replaced by the new Start-up and Innovator categories。 These existing categories are being closed as the new categories are introduced。

7.13 Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur) applicants apply on the basis of endorsement letters from Higher Education Institutions or the Department for International Trade。 These letters are valid for three months and may continue to be issued until 5 April 2019。

Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur) applications can therefore continue to be made until 5 July 2019。 Unlike the Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) category, there is no risk of an uncontrolled surge of Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur) applications that would necessitate closing the category sooner, as a limit applies to the number of endorsement letters。


7.7永居簽證申請(qǐng)的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)將根據(jù)一系列標(biāo)準(zhǔn)進(jìn)行 - 包括投資,創(chuàng)新,業(yè)務(wù)增長(zhǎng)和創(chuàng)造就業(yè) - 申請(qǐng)人可以選擇這些標(biāo)準(zhǔn)以獲得結(jié)算資格。申請(qǐng)人可以在其業(yè)務(wù)滿足至少兩個(gè)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)時(shí)立即申請(qǐng)永居,前提是他們已經(jīng)在該類(lèi)別中花費(fèi)至少三年。



7.10新類(lèi)中引入移民規(guī)則新附錄W。 它們不構(gòu)成目前現(xiàn)行的計(jì)點(diǎn)積分制的一部分,也不包括評(píng)分表。附錄W旨在比PBS 計(jì)點(diǎn)積分制的系統(tǒng)的現(xiàn)有規(guī)則更清晰,更易于閱讀。





7.14 Extension applications for Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) migrants will remain open until 5 April 2023, and settlement applications until 5 April 2025。

Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur) migrants will be able to switch into the new Start-up route if they have not yet had their maximum two grants of leave under the Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur) route。 If their Start-up endorsement is from the same endorsing body as in their previous Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur) application, their business ideas will not need to meet the new Start-up criteria in relation to innovation and scalability。

Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur) migrants (including those who switch into the Start- up category as above) will continue to be able to switch into the Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) category until 5 July 2021。 Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) extension applications will remain open for these individuals until 5 July 2025, and settlement applications until 5 July 2027。




7.17 Changes are being made to provide greater assurance that Tier1(Entrepreneur) migrants are genuinely engaged in business。 Applicants will be asked to provide an overview of their business’s activity, details of their role within the business, and the job titles/descriptions for the settled worker employees for whom they are claiming points。 The government has judged it proportionate to apply these changes to future extension and settlement applications by entrepreneurs already in the category。

7.18 The rules state that a transitional arrangement, relating to job creation, for applicants who entered the category under the rules in place before 6 April 2014, will close on 6 April 2019。 This transitional arrangement is being removed from the rules in line with this closure。




Changes relating to the Tier 1 (Investor) category of the Points-Based System

7.20 The Tier 1 (Investor) category is for high net worth individuals making an investment of at least £2 million in the UK。

7.21 Changes are being made in this statement to supplement previous changes made in 2014 (HC 693) and 2015 (HC 1025) and address concerns that have been raised about the character and conduct of applicants using the route and the sources of their funds:

Currently applicants must provide evidence that they have held the funds that they will invest in the UK for at least 90 days or, if they have not held them for 90 days, provide evidence of the source of those funds。 This 90-day requirement is being extended to a 2-year requirement, to provide greater assurance of the provenance of applicants’ funds。

Applicants are currently required to open a UK bank account for the purpose of making their investment before making a Tier 1 (Investor) application。 This requirement is being tightened to make explicit that the bank must carry out all required due diligence checks and Know Your Customer enquiries, and confirm that these have been done。

7.22 Additional changes are being made to increase the economic benefits of qualifying investments to the UK:

Investment in UK government bonds is being excluded, to incentivise Tier 1 (Investor) migrants towards other forms of investment which have greater need to attract additional investment funds。

To increase transparency and demonstrate better where applicants are ultimately investing their funds, rules are being tightened around the use of intermediary vehicles。 These include a requirement for any intermediary vehicles to be regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), and a requirement to provide evidence of the final investment destination and how the funds are transferred there, regardless of how long any chain of intermediary vehicles is。

The definition of “active and trading” companies is being strengthened so that there must be stronger evidence that such companies are trading in the UK。

A clarification is being made to confirm that “price of the investments” means the price the applicant paid for the investments, not the face value (which does not in itself demonstrate that an applicant has invested £2 million in the UK, as required by the rules)。

New provision is being made to allow investment in pooled investments which also receive funding from a UK or devolved government department or one of its agencies, such as the British Business Bank or the Scottish Investment Bank。 This is because such vehicles will have been assessed as being of benefit to the UK economy by the department or agency providing the funding。 The exclusion of other types of pooled investment vehicles remains, as the Home Office cannot be satisfied that the applicant’s funds are being invested to the benefit of the UK economy。


7.21本聲明正在進(jìn)行修改,以補(bǔ)充2014年(HC 693)和2015年(HC 1025)之前的變更,并解決了使用該途徑及其資金來(lái)源的申請(qǐng)人的性質(zhì)和行為所引起的關(guān)注:









7.23 Transitional arrangements are being applied to ensure the above changes regarding 2-year source of funds checks, investment in UK government bonds, FCA regulation of intermediary vehicles and the definition of “active and trading” companies do not have an adverse impact on investors who entered the category under the rules in place before 29 March 2019。 These transitional arrangements will continue until 5 April 2023 for extension applications and 5 April 2025 for settlement applications。 The other changes above do not alter the requirements of the category substantively, and it is considered proportionate to apply them to future extension and settlement applications by investors already in the category。

7.24 As for Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) applications, the entry clearance grant period for extension applications is being changed to 2 years, 4 months for consistency with leave to remain grants。

7.25 The rules for initial Tier 1 (Investor) applications do not allow leave to be granted if the decision maker has reasonable grounds to believe that:

the applicant is not in control of the investment funds;

the funds were obtained unlawfully (or by means which would be unlawful if they happened in the UK); or

the character, conduct or associations of a party providing the funds mean that approving the application is not conducive to the public good。

7.26 The above test is being extended to cover circumstances where there are reasonable grounds to believe that the funds have been, or will be, transferred internationally by means which are unlawful in any of the countries involved。

The overall test is also being extended to extension and settlement applications, for the sake of clarity and consistency, to make clear that subsequent applications may be refused if evidence showing the above has come to light since the initial application was granted。 This supplements the existing provisions that require such applicants to remain in control of their funds, and not fail under the General Grounds for Refusal。

7.27 Transitional arrangements, for applicants who entered the category under the rules in place before 13 December 2012 or 6 November 2014, will shortly no longer be needed as these applicants will have had sufficient time to qualify for settlement。 Changes are being made to give notice and close these arrangements from 6 April 2020, and 6 April 2022 in the case of settlement applications relating to the 2014 transitional arrangement。

7.23 2019年3月29日之前的規(guī)則進(jìn)入該類(lèi)別的申請(qǐng)人不受到有關(guān)2年資金來(lái)源檢查,英國(guó)政府債券投資,F(xiàn)CA監(jiān)管以及“活躍和交易”公司定義的變化的影響。





這些資金是非法獲得的(或者通過(guò)在英國(guó)發(fā)生的非法手段); 或者










重要的日期: 2019年3月29日

重要的區(qū)別: 在上述日期之前遞交,審核機(jī)構(gòu)仍然是移民局,上訴日期之后遞交,將由政府制定的幾個(gè)機(jī)構(gòu)來(lái)出具擔(dān)保信來(lái)獲取簽證;具體擔(dān)保機(jī)構(gòu)清單,歡迎添加大叔微信 UKPETERLIU 索??;

語(yǔ)言要求提高: 新政策雅思提高到B2水平,相當(dāng)于雅思5.5;

資金變化: 擔(dān)保機(jī)構(gòu)將挑選項(xiàng)目來(lái)決定是否擔(dān)保;5萬(wàn)英鎊;




重要的日期: 2019年3月29日;






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